Meet Me

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Hi, please call me Des. Lover of makeup, art, owls and Jesus Christ. I spend a lot of time getting lost in my thoughts, losing my car keys and dancing in public. I'm horrible at grammar, math and being serious. I hope you'll stay awhile and be challenged.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Can you see me?

Hi, Hello. Wassssuppp? It hasn't been terribly too long since I've last written, but blogging from your phone isn't the easiest or most enjoyable... at all. I'm buying a Macbook by the end of this month... so hopefully I'll post more often. The goal is to post once a week *crosses fingers* but sometimes I just don't have much to say and I think that speaks for itself.

So what do I have to say today, well I'd like to first let you know it's not dawn... my mind did not pull me from my dreams in a rush to let my feelings flow from my head to my finger tips. Well, kinda. (I did write the poem at like 3AM)
I'm a dance major in college for the few that may not know, and in one of my dance classes we are required to freely write based off a subject matter our professor gives us each week. The prompt this week was "Why do you dance" I wrote a poem, enjoy.    

I dance to move.
To be seen.
To be heard.
To hide.
I dance because it’s my air.
It's my life or death.
If there was no dance,
Air wouldn't do me justice.
I have something to say;
I have to quietly shout.
Please, someone listen to me...
I have something to say!

The world is a shitty place.

Let me take you to where I go,
When my feet hit the floor,
Where my mental illness
Falls off me like pouring rain.
Where I feel comfortable
In my my skin for a brief moment…
Where my uncertainties become certain,
My guilt turns into overwhelming pleasure.
And where I lose myself and find myself
all at the same time.

Let me show you a feeling.

Let me pull at the pit of your stomach.
Let the good and bad memories
flicker across your mind.
Let your eyes water up and your head bob.
Become uncomfortable.
Feel Something!

Please do.

Feelings are okay here.
They're valid.
You matter.
We matter.
People will listen, they have to listen.
Say it!
My words roll of the tips of my fingers,
Watch as people drink it in
Like sweet golden honey.
The music fades...
Let's pretend like nothing happened.
Like a drunken filled night.
It'll be one big secret,
Which is how we all prefer it…
To be seen.
To be heard
And most importantly,
To hide.

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