Meet Me

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Hi, please call me Des. Lover of makeup, art, owls and Jesus Christ. I spend a lot of time getting lost in my thoughts, losing my car keys and dancing in public. I'm horrible at grammar, math and being serious. I hope you'll stay awhile and be challenged.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My First Date...

 So, this is my first actually "blog" and I'm probably way more excited about sharing my life with you than you are wanting to actually read. But that's fine! Maybe I'll grow on you and we will become best friends and then be bridesmaids at each other’s weddings! Ehh? Maybe not? But, this is the internet and there are endless opportunities on here! I didn’t want to do a typical "about me" post to start this off; I wanted to dive straight into my 18 year old brain. But, if you do want to know a little bit about me, there will be a "meet me" link (if not already up) somewhere on this blog. Let's get started! 

 I went on my first date…I know! I'm 18 and still haven't had my first real date (*pouts*) because I'm NOT counting this as one…. Well, I kind of did? IT....WAS… AWFUL! Now, given the way I met this guy, I honestly shouldn't have been shocked…But, I was. We met through a mutual friend. Well, we didn't actually meet through a mutual friend; he saw a picture of me told my friend I was cute, and she give him my number. Which I was fine with. Whatever right? Every girl is down for an ego boost. So, we text each other...he was kind of boring but, he called me pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, etc, and etc. And I really needed to hear it at the time so, I just kept entertaining him. A few days into texting, he asked if I wanted to hang out and I was thinking free food, He’ll call me pretty? Maybe he'll be fun to talk to….. ya know? So, I said… SURE! Let’s hang out! I asked, "what do you want to do?" and he said," I don't know what you want to do?” PAUSE!... I don't care who you are, you never ask a girl; who YOU are asking out on a date, where she wants to go. The red flag was waving high and dry, and stupid me ignores it.... dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!! I told him to pick, and he suggested a certain mall and some place to eat. The mall he suggested is actually really nice and I could see a good date happening there so, I agreed. He said, “Cool” and asked if he could pick me up. (Which, was nice. I was thinking to myself ...Okay, this makes up for him asking me where I wanted to go.....WRONG!!!) So, I said, “Yeah that's fine”. I was a little nervous, the whole day, but pushed through the nervousness. I wore a really cute, comfortable, trendy outfit that was good for mall walking and dinner dinning. (Ha. I'm funny) He picked me up in a pretty nice car. (Which is always a plus ladies) I got in and said, “Hello “then, thanked him for picking me up. We started talking about what he did for work, and this is where it all came crashing down. He asked me were the closest mall was from my house, and in my head I'm just thinking... “Why does it matter?”” You said we were going to the nice mall?” I responded with, "I'm not sure". He ended up taking me to a really small, not a good date mall! I brushed it off, and thought, maybe he found a better place to eat over here…Ya know...trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. So, we're talking… let me rephrase that… HE'S TALKING… AT ME! He tells me about what he does for work and keeps talking and talking and talking. He talked to me about his job for a good 25 minutes. Every time I tried to get a word in, he FREAKING CUT ME OFF!!! I was a little taken back, but trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, yet again! (Gosh! I'm so nice) I just told myself he was nervous; and some people talk a lot when they're nervous. We got to the mall, walked in and walked around the whole (small) mall for about 20 minutes; by this time, I'm thinking when is this kid gonna feed me? Never, he NEVER did! He finally, asked if I wanted to go into Belk......BELK! I thought, ummm what? Yet again… I go giving this kid the benefit of the doubt… and said, “Sure.” So, we walked into Belk and walked, and walked ...awkwardly talking, awkwardly try not to get to close to each other. When, all I really wanted to do was push him over the seconded floor of Belk, and walk away like the cool girls do in movies; you know, with wind going through my hair, a random wardrobe change, and a sexy pair of 6 inch heels. But… unfortunately, that's not how this date ended. We did this awkward walking and talking for a good 2 hours, minimum. We went into JCPenny and freaking Sears? All the while, awkwardly walking and talking. It was awful! Mind you, this whole time… HE'S TALKING ABOUT HIM SELF! Here's a hint guys… girls go on dates so, you can get to know, THEM! Yes, sure we will get to know you a little, but for the most part we want to talk about ourselves. We want you to get to know us! You should want to get to know us. (Maybe, I'm the only girl who thinks like that hahaha.) For 2 whole hours, talked to me about his job and his ex-girlfriend....*blank stare*…another hint gentlemen, DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR EXS ON A FIRST DATE, EVER! After all that talking about himself, he decided to take me home. BEST DECISION HE'S MADE ALL NIGHT! But you guys!!! It goes downhill from here. We got into the car, and he puts on the song "Here comes goodbye" by Rascal Flatts. (If you don't know that song you can listen to it under this post.) So he puts that song on, and starts singing it.... terribly! It would have been cute if, he hadn’t screwed up the rest of the date; but, then he look at me and said, "This is about my ex-girlfriend." Umm, Mr. Sir, you are aware that you're on a first date? I wanted to open the door and ninja turtle roll right out of there. So, we FINALLY get back to my house, I lie and say I had fun and get out. Quickly, I might add. 

 So guys that was my awful first date; that I am not counting as a first date at all. (: I would love to hear yours! Leave me a comment or you can email it to me at I honestly would love to hear it! Bye for now city dreamers... xoxo Des.
 Here comes goodbye 
Here comes goodbye link


  1. Wow....... all I can say is that a man that treats a girl like that is no man at all. I mean I can see why he has an EX girlfriend, but seriously is he that stupid? I'm actually curious as to how long his relationship lasted with his ex.

    1. Hahah, it was pretty bad. He said he was with her for 3 years...
