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Hi, please call me Des. Lover of makeup, art, owls and Jesus Christ. I spend a lot of time getting lost in my thoughts, losing my car keys and dancing in public. I'm horrible at grammar, math and being serious. I hope you'll stay awhile and be challenged.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Please fall In Love With Something Other than A Person.

I dunno, like a tractor *Cue She Thinks My Tractors Sexy!*

Wow, I haven't written in awhile.

What's on my restless mind tonight you ask? Well, love... love is on my mind. I'm not specifically talking about love in a relationship aspect... If I'm being honest I'm talking about the complete opposite. So, get that significant other out of your head that you are currently in love with, or that broke your heart because they're not the topic at hand right now. I'm talking about the kind of love that fixed your heart or give you purpose in life. So let me ask you this, when was the first time you fell in love with....

life. A craft. An idea, or a moment?

I'm not going to tell you mine, due to me telling the internet everything because let's be honest... I'm kinda a social media whore... I mean, I gotta save some secrets to keep me interesting!

My first high school musical. 
Too often we take the first time we fall in love for granted and only remember when what we love broke us instead of how it changed us. We experience it wildly, we let it consume every inch of our body and we fall madly in love with it. We don't understand what we did without it in the first place and when it ends we focus on the heartbreak and not what it contributed to us as a person.

I remember the first time I fell in love with performing. I have been involved with dance, theater and around music my whole life.

As a young child I would catch my mom in the living room dancing, or writing a play at her desk and you could count on my older brother singing a boys ll Men song in the kitchen 99 percent of the time. Performing is in my blood it's who I am, so to not do it ever again would be devastating.

I can pin point the time in my life where I said to myself... "Wow, I really love this and I can not live without it." I can also pin point when performing broke my spirit and I lost myself for a little. I often reminisce on the moment in my life where performing was an enemy rather than how it saved me from a lot of my own undoings, and still till this day I focus on the bad and the hurt it caused me rather than what joy it still gives me. How nothing other than when I'm performing matters... I am fearless, unstoppable and in those moments nobody can say anything that'll make me doubt myself. Why don't I focus on that when someone brings up theater, instead of how awful my high school theater experience was? ..... Clearly I'm still bitter about that... ha.ha.ha anywayssssss.

My point is don't be me. Don't be negative in your craft, a person or a moment in which you gained a new perspective or understanding about life. Embrace it! Let that wild love take over, and if or when it leaves... don't be bitter. Don't dwell on the fact that it's gone, don't focus on only the bad and annoying things that happened and don't, be the victim. When another opportunity presents itself like that one before (because one will) I beg you, don't love it cautiously... throw all of yourself into it all over again.

That's all I got for for you now city dreamers

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