Meet Me

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Hi, please call me Des. Lover of makeup, art, owls and Jesus Christ. I spend a lot of time getting lost in my thoughts, losing my car keys and dancing in public. I'm horrible at grammar, math and being serious. I hope you'll stay awhile and be challenged.

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Chick Flick Worthy Moment.

This one goes out to my lady readers!

If this doesn't cause you to "AW!" than I'm convinced you don't have a heart, and need to watch chick flicks until you cry.

I have a boyfriend and his name is Josh; and he's pretty much the sweetest, kindest and most loving guy that I know. He has the biggest heart and cares so much for people, always looking at the best in them and situations. (I'm a very lucky girl) To a point, that's kinda what this blog is about..bragging on how blessed I am to have Josh in my life.

I believe there's always that tipping point in relationship, were females like to test their boyfriends to see if they're "mind readers." Aka end up doing what we would expect some guy to do from a Nicholas Sparks book. You know, send us one-hundred red roes after a fight that we *pauses*...... probably picked, show up at your house in the pouring rain ready to confess his dying love for you, or says the big statement that shows everyone you're HIS girl and he LOVES you! You guys know what I'm talking about,"nobody puts Baby in a corner" come on, we all melted when Patrick said it. Getting to what I'm trying to get to here, sadly I'm no exception to picking a little fight with my Josh to see if he's reaction would be chick flick worthy, surprisingly it totally was! 

Me and Josh usually only see each other on the weekends because we live an hour from one another, which leaves me a little more clingy than usual. We talk on the phone every night for at least two hours and Josh is usually the one who ends up going to bed first, partly because he's way more responsible than me and partly because I just don't sleep very well at night (You guys know that). So it annoys me every time he wants to go to sleep because we don't see each other a ton, I just want to stay on the phone with him all night and I'm needy... *flips hair* whatever. How I'm feeling isn't a secret though, he's well aware. He cares but not enough to stay up with me. (LOL. Pretty much the only time he tells me no) He was over my apartment one Saturday and we had hung out really late the night before, so we had just laid in bed all day watching TV and talking, well...  It was getting to about 3pm and he had said he was going to head back to his buddy's house.... I'm thinking; it's not even late, I never get to see you, stay with me! He had agreed on staying a little longer but that wasn't good enough for me, so I pushed the subject a little more which caused a little argument to break out, and then he became so stern with me and said in a very serious voice "And another thing, when I say I need to get off the phone I need to go... I'm tired" and that right there brought tears to my eyes and I was pretty much like, 100% done with him right now. He was mean and serious and I can't deal with that. So I put my face in the pillow and was like "Okay, you can leave now, just go" insistently being the sweet man that Josh is, was like " I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Talk to me" and I'm just like "Nope, lol.. seriously leave... like yesterday, just go" and so he says bye and leaves.

Now ladies, we both know that was the wrong choice. When we say go away, we don't actually mean it.. if anything we mean "hug me more and tell me you love me". *Rolls eyes* Boys.

about ten minutes later I hear my front door open again and I'm thinking "roommates" but nope,  my perfect boyfriend walks in and climes back into bed with me and hugs me tight. Trying to play off the "mad mood" I'm like "what are you doing?" and Josh responses with "I just can't leave you like this"  ******PAUSE*


We cute.
and after he said that, I turned over and smiled to myself and I knew for a fact in that moment I can't ever let this guy go, he chased after me in a sense. It didn't take three days  or a year. It took him ten minutes to look pride in the face and say, this girl is important to me and she needs to know that.  

That's all I have for you now city dreamers
If you guys have any questions or want to tell me about a worthy chick flick moment between you and your bae email me!

Keep on dreaming,

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