Meet Me

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Hi, please call me Des. Lover of makeup, art, owls and Jesus Christ. I spend a lot of time getting lost in my thoughts, losing my car keys and dancing in public. I'm horrible at grammar, math and being serious. I hope you'll stay awhile and be challenged.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Yooooo! What's up guys, It's been a few weeks and there's been a few positive changes going on, which is really exciting because nothings really been going my way since the middle of August.
First things first I'm the realest ... ha just kidding. But I don't think I fully explained to some of my readers that I'm not actually in Boston right now. I don't really feel like going into detail about it just yet, because its still a really touchy and sad subject for me, Aka Destiny is really bitter about not being in the city of her dreams. However, I will be living in Charlotte which is a lot better than this small town I thought I would be stuck in forever. I'm going to the Art Institute for fashion marketing, I think I'll really like it there, I've always had a heart for fashion but never thought about pursuing it as a career. After I finish there I plan to attend a small state university, where? Honestly... I have no idea I have a check list for what I'm looking for in a school... not where... I'm open to anywhere in the country.

 But that's later on in life... for now your girl is a fashion major and in 2 days I move into my new apartment with three other girls, and to say I'm excited is pretty much the biggest understatement of my life! I'll post pictures of it and give you the 411 on my roommates too(; Leaving home is a pretty bittersweet thing... more sweet than bitter but there are somethings I'm going to miss for sure! Like crawling into my moms bed when there's a thunderstorm and more than anything, my little sister.

Let me tell you a little bit about her..

My little sister is my best friend... I don't know if that's sad or sweet... but she truly is my favorite person. She's the biggest dork I know with so much sass, I like laying in bed with her and giving her boy advice (which honestly she shouldn't take from me because I seriously know like nothing..but whatever) I love when she attacks me with tickles even when I threaten to pull her hair out if she doesn't stop, I love helping her pick out outfits and even though I pretend like I hate when she borrows my clothes....I secretly love that she thinks my clothes are cool enough to wear. I'm gonna miss that little nut! I hope I never let her down, and that I'm always there for her when she needs me; even if I am an hour away and doing my own thing. I hope I've shown her I love her enough for her to know that I would drop anything for her if she really needed me. As I sit here now tearing up a little because I'm stupid and dump.. I've realized I've never cared about anybody more (other than parents of course, HI MOM!!)  than her. She makes me want to be a better person so I never let her down, I love you liv and thank you.. I'm always here for you, whenever you need me.

This post is pretty short and sweet, but leaving my sister is the only thing I can put into words right now, youll be hearing a lot more from me. I've previously been blogging off my Ipad... but now I have my new laptop (Thanks dad!!!) so you'll be hearing a lot more from me.

That's all for now city dreamers